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  • The output of oil products reached a new high.
  • Create a giant with special products.
  • The second phase of ethylene project started construction!
  • Ethylene propylene rubber new product!
  • Start the ethylene plant!
  • Improve development efficiency and expand the high-end market!
  • Promote new product launch!
  • Kunlun brand polyolefin.
  • Naphtha is used efficiently!
  • Polypropylene new product!
  • Technological innovation promotes transformation and upgrading!
  • Custom production!
  • Guaranteed production, transportation and marketing!
  • Create a "product giant"!
  • Polypropylene family adds "newcomer"!
  • The safe operation of polyethylene plant has set a record!
  • High-end products!
  • Rare earth rubber catalyst realizes automatic configuration!
  • New materials and new products!
  • Refined oil export!