Guaranteed production, transportation and marketing!
 2023/06/12 | View:388

On June 4th, a container truck loaded with medical materials RP260 products slowly left the platform of Sanju Library of Lanzhou Petrochemical and Chemical Storage and Transportation Center and sent it to Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Group. Since the beginning of May, Lanzhou Petrochemical's medical material RP260 products have always been delivered out of the warehouse with high efficiency, and at present, it has delivered a total of 11,400 tons.

According to the plan, Lanzhou Petrochemical Company will stop overhaul in mid-June. In order to ensure uninterrupted product supply during the maintenance period, Lanzhou Petrochemical co-ordinates and optimizes the whole process of resources, products and marketing, and goes all out to ensure the orderly connection between production, transportation and marketing before and after maintenance.

Lanzhou Petrochemical Company increased communication with sales companies in various regions, understood the market and users' stocking demand, made production plans, adjusted product structure, especially for high-grade gasoline, medical materials, special materials and other efficient products, and met the demand in real time, so as to fix production by sales, optimize production scheduling and ensure supply. Lanzhou Petrochemical Company firmly grasped the effective production time before overhaul, and made full efforts to ensure production. Coordinate with Northwest Sales Company to increase 4 No.95 gasoline storage tanks, increase the storage space of high-grade gasoline, and realize the maximum production of high-grade gasoline; Use the storage space of Zhongchuan oil depot to reserve jet fuel in advance; Increase the productivity of electronic protective film, cable material, high-modulus polypropylene material for vehicles and other products to meet the needs of customers and promote the maximization of enterprise benefits.

In the product delivery process, Lanzhou Petrochemical Company further optimized the process, defined the product transportation mode, rationally arranged the working vehicles, and strengthened the docking management of loading, inspection and delivery, thus effectively improving the product delivery efficiency. In May, Lanzhou Petrochemical delivered an average of more than 20,000 tons of refined oil and more than 5,000 tons of chemical products per day.