Lanzhou Sinopec is first-class in benchmarking.
 2021/08/30 | View:704

"the dryer overhaul, which could only be completed in the past three days, took 20 hours to complete the task, and the device went into production two days ahead of schedule. Thematic education makes employees more aware of efficiency and more proactive in their work." On August 26, at the site of the polyolefin joint workshop of the Petrochemical Plant of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Liu Tao, director of the workshop, said with emotion.

Lanzhou Sinopechas carried out in-depth education on the theme of "changing ideas, taking responsibility bravely, high quality, and creating first-class", gathering the ideological consensus of the whole staff, investigating and correcting problems in the first class of standards, and creating an "upgraded version" of improving quality and efficiency, which has injected vitality into the high-quality development of the enterprise.As of July, the company's quality improvement and efficiency work has increased by 622 million yuan.

The party committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company conducted 338 concentrated studies and discussions through two-level party committee study and central group study, and organized party members and cadres to concentrate on study in the form of "three sessions and one lesson", thematic Party Day, rotational training of Party members, online classes, and mini-party classes. The company organizes leading cadres at all levels to carry out situation and task propaganda, mobilizes advanced labor models, scientific and technological pacesetters, and skill experts to carry out situation and task propaganda at the grass-roots level, and organizes young League members to carry out post narration activities of "high strict, detailed and fast action".The central group of the party committee at the two levels of the company and the grass-roots party branches and party groups organize the study and discussion of party members and production backbones around the theme of "how to change ideas, how to create first-class ideas, how to do high-quality work, and how to act quickly". Further consolidate the ideological consensus of the whole staff to change their ideas, do solid work, and forge ahead with high-quality development.

In the process of standard inspection and reform, Lanzhou petrochemical units have conducted more than 360 investigations, implemented 1721 measures, collected more than 600 achievements in the implementation of the "four tricks", and carried out more than 340 key technical problems in Lanzhou petrochemical industry. promote the company's whole industry chain to upgrade quality and efficiency. Members of the company's leading group led a team to form six research groups, such as high-quality development and marketing, and went to benchmark enterprises in North China, Northeast and Southwest China to carry out on-the-spot visits and research, and formed more than 100 measures and suggestions. It provides new momentum for the company to promote the high-quality development of its main business and the branding development of its service business. From January to July, the packaging damage rate of Lanzhou petrochemical rubber and plastic products dropped to less than 0.1 per thousand for the first time, and the production and marketing rates of oil refining and chemical products reached 99.4 per cent and 99.2 per cent respectively.

Lanzhou Petrochemical Company has further promoted the three-year action plan for enterprise reform, made every effort to tackle 21 reform tasks, continuously deepened three system reforms, and actively promoted the flattening management mode. it has successively completed the business integration and institutional restructuring of more than 10 units and departments, such as refineries, auxiliaries and polypropylene plants, and achieved the goals of reducing management levels, optimizing business processes and improving management efficiency. From January to July, the company's operating income reached the highest level in recent years.