Lanzhou Sinopec polypropylene automotive materials add new recruits to the product series
 2021/08/20 | View:1042

Good news came from Lanzhou Petrochemical Company: 300000 tons / year polypropylene plant in Ethylene Plant completed the first industrial trial production of SP532, a high-end automotive material product, with a total production of 757.1 tons and qualified product quality, indicating that Lanzhou Petrochemical polypropylene automotive materials product series has added new products, and new product development has made new progress.

Polypropylene automotive material SP532 has become a high-end automotive material with the excellent performance of high melting index, high impact strength, high bending modulus, low odor and low VOC. At the same time, compared with the same volume of automotive material products SP532 and steel, the density is lower and the cost is lower, which can not only reduce the automobile manufacturing cost, but also greatly reduce the automobile fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.

Since the first trial production of automotive materials SP179 in 2008, Lanzhou Petrochemical has successively developed automotive materials such as EP533N, SP531, SP18I, EP508N, EP408N, EP100N and other products, which have been well received in Pulitte, Goldilocks, Huitong and other automotive modified manufacturing enterprises. In recent years, some products have been extended to large household appliance industries such as Han Dian Group and Haier Group, and the output has increased to 100000 tons / year.