Advance layout to enhance product competitiveness!
 2024/02/05 | View:320

Dushanzi Petrochemical Company focuses on the research and development of synthetic resin and synthetic rubber to build a "product giant". In 2023, the company developed 21 new chemical products, setting a new record for the company; The high-end rate of rubber and plastic products reached 60%, and the achievement of "Development and application of high-performance solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber, a key material for tires" was selected as the top ten scientific and technological progress of China Petroleum in 2023.

Independent Petrochemical Company strengthens the drive of scientific and technological innovation and the strategic support of talents, and strives to improve the core competitiveness of its products. Close to the national demand for new materials for high-quality development, we will focus on the research and development of new materials such as high-end polyolefin and high-performance green rubber, anchor imported high-end products, continue to carry out new product research and development, cultivation and import product substitution, and increase market share.

By giving full play to the professional advantages of polyolefin production technology, Dushi Petrochemical has laid out "high-efficiency, cutting-edge and characteristic" high-performance and high-value-added synthetic resin products in advance, and cultivated a number of characteristic new products with low cost, differentiation and high value-added. At the same time, relying on the experimental device and industrial production device, we will develop new rare earth catalyst and functional initiator synthesis technology, and carry out new products of special materials such as solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber and rare earth cis-butadiene rubber, as well as the application of synthetic rubber engineering technology. High-performance solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber has obvious advantages in balancing the "devil's triangle" of tires. SSBR2564S and SSBR2557S have been used on a large scale by many well-known tire enterprises in China, with a stable customer base, and are the trump card rubber products of China Petroleum. Six metallocene polyolefin products, such as EZP2010HA and EZP2703HH, have become the benchmark products in the domestic industry and successfully replaced the mainstream imported products in the domestic market. In 2023, the production and sales of SSBR solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber, metallocene linear low density polyethylene and other products ranked first in the country.

Dushi Petrochemical insists on paying equal attention to performance and benefit, paying equal attention to output and sales, and constantly improving product quality. Functionalized solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber has achieved market breakthrough by virtue of its technical performance, and metallocene polyethylene has achieved the goals of increasing output, improving performance, serialization and creating brand.