Refining and chemical new material system
 2023/10/23 | View:377

Since the launch of the second batch of theme education, Refinery, Chemical Industry and New Materials Branch has taken the thorough implementation of the "24-character" marketing policy as one of the important measures to promote the deepening of theme education, and organized 10 units to "consult the pulse" for the development of new PERT pipe materials in the form of special seminars, so as to continuously stabilize and enhance the market share of PERT pipe materials and create "fist products".

The seminar was hosted by Northwest Chemical Sales Company. Refinery, Chemical and New Materials Branch organized Lanzhou Petrochemical, Dushanzi Petrochemical, Daqing Petrochemical, Petrochemical Institute and six chemical sales companies to gather in Lanzhou to discuss good strategies and seek common development. The participating units reached a consensus: we should further implement the spirit of the marketing work conference of the group company, practice the requirements of "Four Refinements", improve the supply capacity of PERT pipe materials, continuously improve the market share and voice, continuously improve the core competitiveness of chemical marketing, continuously deepen the brand building of petrochemical products in China, cultivate and build high-efficiency products with competitive advantages, and strive to write a new chapter of transformation and upgrading and high-quality development of the chemical industry.

At the seminar, issues such as how to establish a good brand image of petrochemical products in China, how to build a "fist product" of China Petroleum, and how to realize high-quality development of upstream and downstream integration were widely concerned by the participants. On the basis of objectively analyzing the market of PERT pipe materials, regional marketing and the proportion of oil sales in China, and combining with their own actual situation in the fields of production, operation, sales and scientific research and development, all enterprises jointly make suggestions for the new development of PERT pipe materials.

Participants conducted in-depth exchanges around future industry trends, product price trends and positioning, regional coordination, quality improvement, etc., and reached a consensus of "firmly promoting PERT pipe materials products and seizing the opportunity period to rapidly increase market share". Everyone has expressed that it is necessary to continuously enhance the market discourse power of China Petroleum PERT pipe materials products, enhance the ability to lead the market, strive to build a "product giant" in chemical industry, and jointly promote the high-quality development of refining and new materials business.

Facing the complicated and changeable situation of the chemical industry market, all enterprises insist on learning to promote dry work, and leaders at all levels solve outstanding problems that restrict the integrated development of production, marketing and research of chemical products through investigation and research, and deeply analyze and judge the market prospect, sales ratio, scientific research and development, quality upgrade and so on of PERT pipe materials.

Since the beginning of this year, Lanzhou Petrochemical, Dushanzi Petrochemical and Daqing Petrochemical have strengthened their production and sales cooperation with six chemical sales companies, and the cumulative production and sales of PERT pipe materials have exceeded 200,000 tons, providing a solid guarantee and a strong driving force for sustainable development in the future.