New white oil is put on the market.
 2023/01/16 | View:403

On January 9th, Daqing Refining & Chemical Company loaded 17.6 tons of low-viscosity No.2 food additive white oil products and sold them to well-known domestic grain and oil enterprises, which was the first barrel of gold harvested by the company's new white oil products in the domestic market.

In recent years, the demand for low-viscosity food additive white oil in the field of food, grain and oil in China is increasing. Daqing Refining & Chemical Company is market-oriented, focusing on revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China, and constantly increasing investment to enhance innovation and efficiency. "It took only two and a half months for new products to go from technical research to successful production to market." Zou Li, a process engineer in the third refining production department of the company, said, "Compared with the white oil products of the same brand produced by internationally renowned enterprises, the key indexes of the new white oil products, such as kinematic viscosity, carbon number at distillation point and distillation point temperature, are not lost at all, and the product quality ranks among the top in the world."

During product development, the company's product marketing center communicates closely with customers, and formulates the optimal production plan according to the needs of users, so as to ensure the rapid marketization and industrialization of newly developed products and reap economic and social benefits as soon as possible.