High-end featured new products!
 2022/05/05 | View:698

Through extensive market research, Daqing Petrochemical grasped the actual needs of customers in time. On the basis of face-to-face communication with customers, the company pays close attention to the development status of domestic and international industries, technology and downstream processing equipment through opportunities such as annual industry meetings, rubber and plastic fairs and technical exchange meetings. At the same time, it understands the adjustment of domestic and international industrial policies and industrial development orientation, analyzes the changes of rubber and plastic market and product development trends, and lays out new products in advance.

For rubber products, Mooney index is an internationally accepted index that reflects the viscosity of rubber, and rubber with different Mooney viscosities has different uses. In March this year, Daqing Petrochemical Plastics Factory successfully developed and produced new products QL505P and QL565P, and successfully produced 201 tons of new products QL585P of CMPE type B, which became a new bright spot for increasing production and creating efficiency. At present, the market demand for the special resin of CMPE rubber is more than 100,000 tons per year, mainly in North China, South China and East China, with a bright future.


Daqing Petrochemical accurately judged the market trend, seized market opportunities, and persisted in capturing market information and forecasting market changes. Through the established information channels, we can keep abreast of the market dynamics, accurately grasp the changes of supply and demand, and strive to scientifically predict the development trend, so as to provide reliable basis for leaders at all levels to make decisions. Complete special materials such as daily market price report, weekly market information report, weekly product price tracking and forecasting table with high standards, and truly, accurately and efficiently feed back market demand, price dynamics, product application and user requirements, so as to ensure the efficient market and the best efficiency of efficient products.

With the development of domestic packaging industry, the market demand of coating grade low density polyethylene is increasing day by day. Since 2020, the demand has reached 400,000 tons, and the annual growth rate has reached more than 10%. 19G is a new high-pressure polyethylene resin product developed by Daqing Petrochemical Company in 2021. The adhesive strength of the finished product is high, and its performance is the same as that of imported similar coating materials. In order to meet the market demand, the company realized the R&D of 19G in that year and the enlarged production of 15,800 tons in that year. Since the beginning of this year, more than 6,469 tons of 19G products have been sold to the markets in East China and Southwest China, and have been well received and highly recognized by market users.

In terms of new product sales, Daqing Petrochemical Sales & Storage Center has increased the promotion of new products, established a joint development mechanism, and actively promoted the market share and innovation ability of new products. Wang Jingliang, Party Secretary and Chief Engineer of Daqing Petrochemical Plastics Factory, said, "We are committed to cultivating a team of product development talents who know both production and market. Production technicians and sales service personnel participate in the whole process of new product development and sales, and clarify the essential differences between different products in terms of production control, product quality and user use, so as to further enhance the ability of product creation and market service." In order to continuously improve the marketing service level, the sales, storage and transportation center continuously optimizes the regional allocation, improves the product revenue, strengthens the connection between production and sales, optimizes storage and delivery, strengthens the communication and return visit of users, helps major users solve practical difficulties, continuously increases the cooperation stickiness of end users, and makes every effort to increase the sales volume in advantageous areas.