Lay the foundation for developing new polypropylene products.
 2022/04/18 | View:673

The polypropylene plant of Guangxi Petrochemical Company successfully completed the one-week work of domestic cocatalyst for electron dosing, with a total production of about 3,500 tons of polypropylene resin. The plant runs smoothly and the product quality is up to standard, which means that the polypropylene plant has realized all localization of catalyst system in wire drawing materials.


In recent years, the polypropylene plant has made great efforts to tackle the problem of localization of the third catalyst system, and has achieved long-term stable usage of localization of main catalyst, cocatalyst triethylaluminum and granulation additive in wire drawing materials, but there are still technical problems in importing external electron donors.

Guangxi Petrochemical Company continued to explore the scheme of substituting domestic electron donors for imported electron donors, and successively completed small-scale and industrial trials of domestic electron donors in polypropylene plants. This year, after investigation, trial, visit, communication, summary, bidding and other preliminary work, the company made domestic electron donation on April 1st. During the dosing process, the operators strictly implemented the brand switching scheme and carefully optimized the operating parameters, which solved the problems of catalyst activity, reactor static electricity, etc., and ensured the smooth dosing work.

The domestic cocatalyst of polypropylene plant successfully used electron donors, which not only reduced the cost of three doses of products, but also enhanced the market competitiveness of products, and made a technical reserve for developing new polypropylene products with different catalysts.