The "leader" of polyethylene industry
 2022/01/17 | View:852

The Department of Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of key energy efficiency "leaders" enterprises, and Dushanzi Petrochemical Company was selected as the ethylene industry energy efficiency "leader" enterprises.

1-17.jpgAt the end of August 2021, the Tarim ethane-to-ethylene project of Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, which produces 600000 tons of ethylene per year, was put into production ahead of schedule. This is another major breakthrough for PetroChina to take advantage of the integration of upstream and downstream to improve the value of the natural gas industry chain and achieve transformation and upgrading and green and low-carbon development. The project adopts ethane steam cracking technology independently developed by PetroChina, which plays a dual demonstration role in leading the high value-added comprehensive utilization of domestic natural gas resources and reducing the dependence of foreign ethylene process technology. it has been listed as a national demonstration project by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Compared with the production of ethylene from traditional liquid raw materials such as traditional naphtha, the ethylene yield of this project can be increased from about 30% to 80%, the cost can be reduced by more than 30%, and the main economic and technical indicators such as ethylene yield and comprehensive energy consumption can reach the world's advanced level.

It is reported that the energy efficiency "front-runner" selection industries include crude oil processing, ethylene, synthetic ammonia, methanol, caustic soda, soda ash, p-xylene, calcium carbide, coking, iron and steel, copper smelting, zinc smelting, lead smelting, cement and other 14 industries, a total of 52 enterprises were selected.