Dushanzi Sinopec will make every effort to promote the brand benefit of chemical products in 2021.
 2021/10/25 | View:711

On October 14, the reporter learned from Dushanzi Petrochemical Company that the company made every effort to promote the brand benefit project of chemical products, with obvious increments of key and efficient products, and achieved better economic benefits. From January to September, PERT pipe material DGDZ3606 sold 48000 tons, an increase of 200 percent over the same period last year. T4401 pipe material T4401 sold 51000 tons, up 50 percent over the same period last year; ternary copolymer polypropylene special material TF1007 sold 45000 tons, an increase of 32.4 percent over the same period last year.


Independent Sinopec continues to increase scientific and technological innovation and import substitution, forming a tube material, hollow material, metallocene film material, environmental protection glue four superior product series, bright brand and good efficiency. Since the beginning of the year, independent petrochemical has adhered to the "three-excellent" direction of optimization of production and marketing, excellent cost and excellent indicators, taking the market as the orientation and benefit as the center, and striving to increase the production and sale of high-end and efficient products.With the mode of "centralized production, batch supply, balanced sales, stable supply, quantity control and price protection", we have continuously carried out special marketing for 11 brands of 6 categories, such as metallocene film materials and PERT pipe materials, with an efficiency of 30 million yuan. Among the 77 brand engineering products of PetroChina Refining and Chemical Branch, independent petrochemical 27 products are among them, accounting for 35%.

The company adheres to the market orientation, establishes the concept of customer first, strives to meet the needs of users as the work goal, strengthens the coordination of production, marketing and research, improves the product quality, and expands the multi-dimensional service system. to provide customers with high-quality chemical products and quality services, establish a good brand image. According to customer requirements for products and services, further strengthen quality control, strengthen stable supply, improve the level of customer service, improve the image of logistics packaging, and constantly improve the influence of the brand.

This year, independent petrochemical developed 8 new products, such as narrow distribution rare earth cis-polybutadiene rubber BR9101N, lithium battery separator T98C, D and so on. From January to August, sales of efficient products were 418000 tons, an increase of 10.1 percent over the same period last year, and the efficient market allocation rate was 70.6 percent, an increase of 1.4 percentage points over the same period last year.