Jinxi Petrochemical Company has upgraded its new polypropylene products for 7 times.
 2021/08/09 | View:788

After seven times of technical transformation and upgrading, the polypropylene plant successfully developed plastic injection 1100NG products in May, and now has a stable output of 3000 tons per month.The new product is expected to increase efficiency by 3.6 million yuan this year. " On August 2, Zhao Pengcheng, the person in charge of the first polypropylene unit of Jinxi Petrochemical Company, introduced to the reporter.

It is reported that Jinxi Petrochemical Company is market-oriented all the year round and actively develops new petrochemical products.According to the production practice of the polypropylene plant with an annual output of 150000 tons, the company has carried out seven technical revamping of the powder conveying system, hydrogen dehydration system and adding carrier gas filter one by one since 2013, and completed the upgrading of its products. at the same time, the ability of long-term operation of the plant is enhanced.

It is understood that the newly developed products injection plastic 1100NG, mainly used for downstream customers to produce airtight containers, furniture and household utensils and other products, the market price is higher than wire drawing 1102K products. It is estimated that the output this year will be 24000 tons, with an increase of 3.6 million yuan.