Lanzhou Petrochemical Rubber Plant has achieved practical results in promoting the "three combinations".
 2021/07/26 | View:783

Since the development of the study and education of party history, the party committee of the rubber factory has highlighted the "three combinations," that is, combining the needs of employees, the green development of enterprises, and the high-quality development of enterprises, and making every effort to promote the post practice of "I do practical things for the masses." to ensure that all good things are done and done well, which has effectively boosted the spirit of cadres and staff.From January to June, the actual effect and efficiency of the whole plant was more than 7000 million yuan.

Combined with the needs of employees, make great efforts to solve the problem of distress and hope. The party committee of the rubber factory went deep into the grass-roots level and conducted an extensive investigation, and conducted a collective study and solution to more than 30 opinions and suggestions put forward by employees, such as shortage of personnel, high intensity of work, damage to the work area, and so on. Arrange the purchase of heat preservation bucket, provide mung bean soup for the staff of the system after the styrene-butadiene plant, repair the leaking changing room in the C4 workshop, solve the problems such as the unusability of the air conditioner in the central control room, repair the non-heating of the water heater, and effectively meet the production and living needs of the staff. Up to now, the party organizations at the two levels of the factory have handled more than 190 practical things for employees, such as work demand, environmental improvement and so on.

Combined with the green development of enterprises, build a beautiful factory. The Party Committee of the rubber factory fully combined the post practice of "I do practical things for employees" with the green development and the construction of the beautiful factory, vigorously promoted the odor control in the plant area, and built and used the odor control project in the plant area. by making use of the window maintenance period of 50,000 t / a nitrile rubber plant, 27 peculiar smell sources were eliminated, and "one device and one strategy" was established to strengthen leakage management and eliminate leakage risk from the source. Vigorously promote the demolition of 55000 t / a styrene-butadiene plant, joint central control room and cultural square construction, effectively improve the operating environment of the staff, etc., well received by the staff.