On May 29, the unveiling ceremony of "Yan'an spiritual demonstration Education Base" was held in Haohanpo, Changqing Oilfield.
 2021/05/31 | View:766

Ai Ping, executive vice president and secretary-general of China Yan'an Spirit Research Association, and Zhou Jiping, vice president of China Yan'an Spirit Research Association and honorary president of China Petroleum Yan'an Spirit Research Association, were jointly unveiled. Lin Yanzhi and Li Yongku, vice presidents of China Yan'an Spirit Research Association, attended the unveiling ceremony. Duan Liangwei, director of CNPC, deputy secretary of the party group and president of PetroChina Yan'an Spirit Research Association, presided over. Relevant departments of PetroChina, Changqing Oilfield Company, Shaanxi Yan'an Spirit propaganda Group and other responsible comrades attended the unveiling ceremony.


Yan'an spirit and petroleum spirit are of the same origin, both were born in the revolutionary practice under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, grew up in the fertile soil of the socialist construction cause of New China, and are an important part of the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China. 

The award of the "Yan'an Spirit demonstration Education Base" in Changqing Oilfield is an important activity to carry out in-depth study and education of party history on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and it is also a concrete action to promote the Yan'an spirit to take root and carry forward in state-owned enterprises. 

The Changqing Oil Field, which grew up on the fertile soil of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolution, has a deep red gene in its bones. The development process of building a 60 million-ton oil and gas field in the Ordos Basin is the most vivid practical case of Yan'an spirit in state-owned enterprises, especially on the oil front, which is of great significance to Yan'an spiritual study and education in the new period. It is necessary to further publicize and carry forward the Yan'an spirit, lead the oil field development to a new level with the Yan'an spirit, and make greater contributions to the motherland's petroleum cause with outstanding achievements.

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China Yan'an Spirit Research Association was established on May 18, 1990. Over the past 30 years, we have always persisted in learning, studying and publicizing the Yan'an spirit.Especially since last year, under the leadership of the team of the new research society, the China Yan'an Spirit Research Association has persisted in taking Xi Jinping's thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guidance, adhering to the correct political direction, serving the overall situation of the work of the party and the state, and actively promoting the Yan'an spirit into the organs, enterprises, campus and other work, so that the Yan'an spirit is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and shines brightly.